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Embracing Unity and Heritage: Celebrating Sri Lanka's National Day

  Introduction: Sri Lanka, a jewel in the Indian Ocean, commemorates its National Day on February 4th with pride and enthusiasm. This day marks the country's independence from British colonial rule in 1948 and provides an opportunity for Sri Lankans to celebrate their rich cultural heritage, diverse traditions, and the spirit of unity that binds them together. Historical Significance: The National Day of Sri Lanka holds historical significance as it symbolizes the end of British colonial rule and the dawn of a new era for the island nation. On February 4, 1948, Ceylon, as it was then known, gained its independence, setting the stage for the development of a sovereign and culturally vibrant nation. Cultural Festivities: National Day celebrations in Sri Lanka are marked by a colorful array of cultural events, parades, and ceremonies held across the country. The capital city, Colombo, comes alive with patriotic fervor as citizens don traditional attire, and the streets resonate with t
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बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार: एक सशक्त नेता

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Unveiling India's 2011 Census: A Comprehensive Insight

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Indian government action on sentence of 8 ex-navy personnel?

  Indian government files a appeal against the death sentence given to eight ex-navy officer in doha on 26 october 2023 on November 7. The india's eight ex-navy officers who working in qatar company Dahra Global Technologies and Consultant Services which is related to navy equipment and it works for the qatar navy and the qatar accused them of being spying for the Israel and on the bases of this arrested in august 2022 and given the death sentence on 26 october but as india is having a embassy in qatar so they have a window to apply against this verdict given by qatar officials because this persons are belong to india and india rejected all these claims by qatar government. India's stance on this case The Ministry of external affairs (MEA) said that india was go for further legal steps. The spokesperson of MEA said that On November 7, our Embassy received another consular access to detainees, and ministry is also touch with the families of detainee and minister of external mini

Supreme Court banned Firecracker all over India ?

  The bench of Supreme Court said that the restrictions are not limited to delhi and adults tend to behave worse than children says justice Bopanna The diwali celebration is beings from the beginning of Navratri and goes upto chhath puja which is mainly a celebrated in bihar. because of this the pollution level in Delhi and NCR  is goes very high at some places it is above 700 mark of Air Quality Index ( AQI) and every year courts and government try's to control the pollution cause by this but as it is a matter of religion sentiments courts can not take a harsh stand but this time Supreme Court (SC) put banned on firecracker in all states which included barium and banned chemical. What Supreme court said in its judgement  As Justice A.S. Bopanna said that due to children learn about the environment , pollution and discomfort caused by them in schools they do not burst crackers as much . Adults tended to behave worse than children.  In the verdict Justice A.S. Bopanna also said that

Israel-Hamas War getting worst day-by-day?

The recent situation of Gaza is getting day worst day-by-day but all of these because the rocket launched by hamas on israel on 7 october and kidnap 240 people of israel where 30 where children after that situation in gaza strip in getting worst by continuous air strike launch by Israeli defence force and after that pamphlet drop by israeli defence forces to evacuate gaza city and all the people of gaza to shift in south of gaza and fully evacuate the northern gaza where israeli defence forces think that most of the hamas terrorist made their camp and bases.  Situation in Middle East    where israel is launching the ground invasion in Gaza on the other hand the other countries in middle east like turkey, qatar, libya etc called back their ambassador to their home countries because all the countries are seems to be supporting as per their interest in hamas but this thing is not affecting as much to israel according to report the situation is gaza getting worst day-by-day where peoples o